Explore the world with the City Explorer App - a free, AI-powered smart tourist guide.
City Explorer for iOS
City Explorer for Android

We are local
City Explorer helps you find exciting places that you can walk to. You'll see pictures, stories, distances, and directions.

As you move around, the application adapts to your location, presenting you with a personalized selection of pages.
We are global
The City Explorer app is available worldwide, making it just as simple to begin exploring exotic locations as it is in your neighborhood.

Remember, you have to be at a location before you can start exploring it through your app.
We love stories
With the power of our AI assistants, we can unlock the secrets of every place. Our assistants tirelessly searches for information, analyzing it to create captivating stories.

If you come across an image of writing girl, please allow her to work without interruption. She is composing a story exclusively for you, and you will be the first to experience it! (This happens in places where the app is being used for the first time.)
For an optimal experience, we recommend using headphones and audio options when exploring the location due to the length of the stories. This is when City Explorer shines!

How does it work